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At Friars we want our full and ambitious curriculum to;

  • Fully reflect the National Curriculum but be tailored to meet the needs and interests of our children

  • Be well taught, well-planned, challenging and adapted to meet the needs of all

  • Be subject-balanced, interesting and thought provoking

  • To raise awareness of ecological issues facing the world today

  • Provide clear progression of knowledge and skills in the different subject areas as children move through the school

  • Connect learning across the curriculum, where it will achieve a greater depth of understanding 

  • To teach children about the world outside the classroom by providing opportunities for Cultural Capital through various enrichment enhancements to give children breadth of life experiences wider than school itself





At Friars we implement our curriculum by ensuring;


  • Our school values lie at the heart of all that we do and pupils work collaboratively to solve problems and achieve success together

  • Our teachers always follow ‘The Friars Formula’ to ensure high quality teaching and feedback are at the heart of all of our learning and teaching activities

  • Lessons are well planned, memorable and engaging and the work given to children is well matched to their needs and demanding of their potential

  • Our clear systematic approach to early reading foundations allows reading opportunities to be prioritised across the whole curriculum.

  • Investment is given towards cultural capital opportunities such as inspirational visitors, educational visits, afterschool clubs, focus weeks and immersive hook days to bring the curriculum alive

  • Proactive Subject Leaders drive their subjects forward and use their assessment  and action plans well to enable strong learning and secure teacher subject knowledge

  • High quality environments and resources are used effectively to stimulate pupils and facilitate high standards of curious, independent learning

  • CPD opportunities are available for all staff

  • Partnerships with other community organisations to offer enrichment activities in our school




At Friars the good intent and implementation of our curriculum ensures that;

  • Our children are taught well and learn well

  • Pupils achieve good results and make strong progress regardless of their starting points

  • Children are engaged in their learning because it is brought to life through various enhancements

  • There is appropriate pitch and challenge for all learners

  • High quality work is produced within lessons 

  • We have a strong commitment to enrichment activities such as sports teams, choir and  afterschool club attendance

  • Children develop detailed knowledge and skills across the school

  • Children read widely, regularly, fluently and expressively across the curriculum

  • Core Mathematical and English concepts are reinforced and applied in a range of relevant contexts across the curriculum

  • High quality corridor displays demonstrate the connected curriculum and celebrate the breadth and balance of the curriculum 

  • All children develop themselves as citizens of the future with a sound moral code, good social skills and a positive understanding of community in line with the core Friars Values.

  • Effective planning and collaboration ensures that children transition successfully and have an excellent foundation of skills and knowledge in preparation for the next stage of their education

If you have any further questions about the curriculum please feel free to contact the school office and somebody will be more than happy to help.

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