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Friars Primary School and Nursery
Constable Way, Shoeburyness, Essex, SS3 9XX - 01702 294837
Part of the Portico Academy Trust.
opening doors, unlocking potential

News & Events

May 19, 20171 min read
KS2 Celebration Assembly
Well done to this week's certificate winners. There were a large number received, particularly in Year 6, and it was great to hear about...

May 19, 20171 min read
KS1 Celebration Assembly
Congratulations to the children who were awarded achievement certificates this week. They have all really impressed their teachers. The...
May 16, 20171 min read
Last Friday four Year 5 and 6 children took part in an Archery tournament at Alleyn Court. They had been to Belchamps for some practice...

May 12, 20171 min read
KS1 Celebration Assembly
This has been a great week for Keystage 1. We started with a record number of 51 key word certificates being given out which included 5...

May 12, 20171 min read
KS2 Celebration assembly
Well done to everybody for another great week at Friars. It has not been easy as there have been SATs tests for Year 6 and year groups...

May 5, 20171 min read
KS1 Celebration assembly
Well done to the children who were presented with Achievement Certificates this week. A particular mention must go to Paige and Ewan in...

May 5, 20171 min read
KS2 Celebration Assembly
Well done to this week's certificate winners. It is always great to hear how hard you have been working from your teachers....

May 2, 20171 min read
Cheerleading Competition
Congratulations to Eliza, Phoebe, Katerina and Grace in Year 3 who took part in a cheer leading competition over the Easter holidays with...

May 1, 20171 min read
Hi5 Netball tournament
On Wednesday the Y5/6 mixed Hi-5 Netball team went to Garons to compete in the Southend Schools tournament. The first game against Our...

Apr 28, 20171 min read
KS2 Celebration Assembly
Congratulations to everybody who received a certificate last week. As usual there were many different reasons for teachers to award the...
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