Ability Action
On the morning of the 10th of November, the KS2 children of Friars Primary School were lucky to have Claire and Peter visit from the Ability Action campaign. It is an organisation which focuses on offering services for disabled people and their families. The day started with an assembly for KS2 with Claire and Peter promoting their new primary school, ‘Everyone is the Same Primary School.’ This fun activity allowed the children to highlight differences among themselves. The idea emerged that it would be boring if everyone was the same!

Claire and Peter then spoke to the children about their own disabilities and answered thoughtful and probing questions from the children. They reinforced the idea that everyone has differences – including those we can’t see - and everyone is unique and that this should be celebrated.

After the assembly, Year 5 were lucky to take part in a workshop with Claire and Peter to further explore what fairness means and think about what it means to act in a fair way for others - specifically those with disabilities. The children developed their understanding of fairness through a visual and physical voting game where they had to make decisions based around a question on fairness. They were invited to explain and justify themselves clearly.

Finally, the children ended by ‘walking a mile in their shoes’ and explaining how they would want people to treat them. They then reflected on how they in turn will ensure they are fair and think about the way they treat other people.