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Celebration Assembly

In our final celebration assembly of the term we had a lot to celebrate. Firstly there was the winner of the Lip Sync Battle to announce. Well done to Shane in Year 5 for his winning performance. We also had a range of sporting achievements to acknowledge including Year 3 and 4 football, Year 1 and 2 gymnastics and Mia for her running abilities.

A big well done goes to all of our healthy eaters who were acknowledged for making healthy lunch box choices and for eating healthy foods in breakfast club.

We also had some very lucky winners of our first attendance raffle. The two first prizes were £50 vouchers! Thank you to Southend Lions for sponsoring the raffle.

Finally, congratulations to Windsor for winning the termly house competition by 1 trophy! It was very close in the end and they were rewarded for their efforts with an extra break time in the afternoon.

Well done for a great term, Friars. Enjoy your two weeks off and we will see you when you return.

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