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KS1 Tag Rugby

Last Wednesday saw us take part in the KS1 Tag Rugby tournament at Southend Rugby Club. The weather was beautiful and after a few training sessions and a practice match with Hamstel Infants under our belts the team were ready.

The goals for the tournament were simple

  1. Try your best

  2. Listen to advice and instruction

  3. Have Fun.

The first game was against Greenways and after a low scoring first half the match finished 3-2 to Friars. The second match paired us with West Leigh, who had won their first match 7-1, and a poor first half saw Friars 4-0 down. After a few words from Mr Telling the second half was much better and although losing 7-3 overall, the second half was a draw. The final two matches against Thorpe Hall and Earls Hall ended in easy victories for Friars and so that meant a guaranteed bronze medal. The children were brilliant and succeeded in their targets for the day, especially target 3 – To have fun.

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