Vist from NSPCC
We were very lucky to welcome representatives from the NSPCC to come and work with our children on safeguarding themselves.
The first day, there were two assemblies – one for Key Stage 1 and another for Key Stage 2. The children learnt in a safe environment that there are things they can do if they are not being treated properly.
The children talked about the different worries they might have and these were like bricks and put in a sack – very heavy to carry around! They were told that they should not hold on to their worries but find an adult they could trust to help them. The children named different adults who they might turn to for support and the bricks were taken out of the bag demonstrating how those worries can be released.
Gill introduced the children to Buddy, the NSPCC mascot, and told the children how to remember the Childline phone number, if they didn’t feel they could talk to someone face to face. The number is 0800 1111.
The next day, Year 5 and Year 6 had workshops to further develop their understanding of abuse and how to safeguard themselves.
A big thank you to the members of the NSPCC, who give their time to provide these valuable assemblies and workshops.