KS1 Celebration Assembly
Achievement Certificates
Congratulations to the children who were awarded weekly achievement certificates in assembly.

Children were also awarded certificates for excellent effort this half term – Well done! Your teachers are very proud of you!

Key word Certificates
These children have worked hard to learn their key words this week – keep up the good work!

Buddy Certificates
Mr Roche presented the whole of Key Stage 1 with a ‘Buddy Certificate’ for working so well as a team during the preparation for the KS1 Nativity.
Team Points
The team cup was presented to Caernarfon (yellow) team who achieved the most team points this week.
KS1 and Reception Attendance Raffle
For each week that the children have 100% attendance, they receive a raffle ticket which is put into the ‘Attendance Raffle’ box. This term our prizes included some selection boxes, vouchers for Marsh Farm and our first prize of a £50 gift voucher which can be used in many shops in town. Congratulations to our lucky winners below whose names were pulled out of the raffle box during celebration assembly.