KS1 Celebration Assembly
We gave out certificates for learning key words, weekly achievement and being a good buddy. We also awarded children who had impressed their teachers over the whole half term.
Mr Roche also gave out prizes for the best character costumes for dress up day and our World Book Day competitions.
What an amazing assembly!

Team Points
The team cup was presented to Stirling (Blue) team who earned the most team points this week.
Attendance Cup
Well done to 1S and 2P who both achieved the highest attendance this week- a fantastic 98.3%!
It was also time to draw our Attendance Raffle. Remember each child receives a raffle ticket for each week they achieve 100% attendance.
Finlay won two tickets to the Sea Life Centre and Ethan won the top prize of a £50 gift card. Some lucky children also received Easter eggs when their names were drawn from the box.