Year 4 World War II Hook Day
In order to immerse the Year 4s into their new topic, they took part in a fun Hook Day on Friday 20th April. At the beginning of the day the children were introduced to their new topic. They began by looking at air raid shelters and watched old Pathe News reels to look at the advice that was given to people during the wartime. Little did they know what was ahead…
During the lesson, an air raid siren rang out throughout the Year 4 classrooms! They were evacuated quickly to the KS2 hall for safety, where they listened to the aeroplanes and guns fire outside. They wrote some quotes about what they could see, hear, smell, feel and taste.
Next they became little evacuees! With their own identity tag filled out and attached to them, the children then decided what they needed to pack in their suitcase according to the government advice in 1940, and we compared this to how it would differ to their suitcases today. They had a look inside a real evacuee suitcase and some of the things that would have been included – even a gas mask!
They finished the fantastic day by playing some playground games that children of the wartime would have taken part in to pass the time. A great day was had by all!