Book Week
Last week was our Book week and we certainly took every opportunity to ‘share a story’ with somebody.
We had lots of different events taking place throughout the week, our younger children enjoyed sharing stories with their buddy readers from key stage 2, while some classes even had a surprise visit from a different member of staff who arrived to share one of their favourite stories with them. Year 3 also took part in the BBC live lesson especially designed around World Book Day.

There were lots of competitions taking place over the week. Key Stage 1 needed to design a Potato Book character. There were over 50 entries but after a lot of discussions. Here are our winners.

Key stage 2 had two competitions to enter through the week, the first was to create a bookmark for their year group and then second, to write a short story to then be shared with a younger reading buddy.
Congratulations to Grace, Chloe and Cleo who won our story writing prizes.
Here are the chosen winning bookmarks for Years 3, 4 , 5 and 6 plus the winner of a special creativity award for the most imaginative bookmark.

Well done to all of our competition winners.
Friday also saw us celebrate ‘World Book Day’ in style. We dressed up us our favourite book characters and enjoyed a special cinema lunch. Prizes were given for the best costumes designs. Here are our winners from Nursery through to Year 6.

Finally, a big thank you for supporting our book fair at school, we raised over £800, which will help us restock our library with new, exciting titles.