KS1 Celebration Assembly
Well done to the children achieving their next key word certificate. We gave out over 30 certificates in our assembly this week.

Achievement leaves were given out to children for great reasons such as independent work, great maths, being a star in the year group assembly and super improvements to their work. Both Year 2 classes achieved ‘whole class’ certificates for their amazing efforts and concentration during our SATs this week.

Our Buddies this week received leaves for being a good friend, helping others to learn and recognising when somebody needed some help.

Well done to the children achieving their next rainbow reader award. We even gave out two platinum awards for reaching the end of the rainbow.

There were also some special mentions; Year 1 were congratulated on their year group assembly to the parents and Year 2 were complimented on their attitude and hard work in their SATs tests this week.
The attendance cup was won by 2P with 98.8%
Stormont won the team cup for the third week running.