Celebration Assemblies 1st December 2023
KS1 Awards
This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for:
Trying one’s best and always smiling
Improved confidence in phonics
Always trying hard in phonics
Awesome independent writing including an exclamation mark
Super independent writing
Writing a super description
Having an amazingly good attitude to learning
Super maths work using lots of different skills to solve problems
Really hard work in writing and making good progress
Buddy Awards went to… Ivy, Beth, Jessica, Dylan, Kenza… and Mrs. James!

KS2 Awards
This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children for:
Working hard to achieve good results
Excellent participation in lessons
Focus during lessons
Continuous preparation for learning
Being enthusiastic and excited for learning
Great performance poetry with expression and clear diction
Having consideration for others
Work that shows thoughtfulness
Overcoming shyness to speak out in class
Work at home inspired from school
A good application of skills
An excellent attitude to tests
Being a fantastic friend and classmate
Computer Award
This week’s Computing Award went to 4D for great work and concentration.

This week’s attendance winners were 2G and 5A. 2G won comfortably in Key Stage 1 but there was only 0.7% separating 5A from 5BW in Key Stage 2... Better luck next week 5BW.
Team Points
For the first time in 2023-24 we have a team surpassing the 400-point mark... and it will be no surprise that the team is Caernarfon. Our yellow team has been leading from the off and it was certainly a good week for them as they are now over 50 points ahead of both Windsor and Sterling. Stormont are only 8 points further behind. Come on Windsor, Sterling and Stormont - you can do it!
