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Celebration Assembly 11th October 2024


This week in our KS1 assembly certificates were given for the following reasons:

  • acting on advice

  • amazing art work

  • very helpful and working hard

  • being an excellent role model in class

  • showing independence in English

  • working hard in her group

  • writing sentences with capital letters

Buddy awards went to Delilah, Poppy, Harry and Ivy.

KS2 Awards

This week in our KS2 assembly certificates were given for reasons including effort, resilience, making an excellent start at a new school and doing extra homework.


After meeting with the School Council on Monday, we narrowed down the prizes for this term’s Spin the Wheel. Prizes include additional art and sport sessions, extra break time… and a singing concert from Mr. McClay?! This week did anyone get to ‘spin the wheel’??? Yes! Great stuff for 3B who were the first class to spin achieving 97% or more three times. Their first spin landed on the concert from Mr. McClay but they were offered a second chance if they wanted it – and they most certainly did. Their prize was time in class to play with board games and toys. 

Other classes who achieved above 97% this week were 4S and 5SW. 5SW were the winning class of the week!

Team Points

Last week, Windsor moved into first place for the first time this school year by pushing Stormont down into second. We all wondered whether or not they could keep the momentum going this week and the answer to that question was… yes! The red team remain in front for at least another week.

This week’s winners were Windsor in Key Stage 1 and, amazingly, in Key Stage 2 we had a 4-way tie! We can’t remember the last time that happened. Well done to all of our teams!



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