Celebration Assembly 15th December 2023
KS1 and KS2 Awards
The end of a term is always a little different! In the Celebration Assemblies this week, teachers chose only one person in their class to award a special certificate. These certificates were given for reasons such as being an excellent role model, consistently showing a fantastic attitude and superb progress made in learning. A huge well done to everyone selected. We know that our staff always struggle to choose only one child and they always wish they could give lots of certificates out to the children.
Our final full week before Christmas saw a tie between 2G and 2S in Key Stage 1 and an outright victory for 6L in Key Stage 2. It isn't often that we have a draw but 2G and 2S can share the trophy until we return in January.
In our assemblies, we also discussed attendance for the whole term. For the autumn, the winners were 2G in Key Stage 1 and 3KA in Key Stage 2. You might have thought 1MV would have taken the prize for KS1 after their long winning streak - but that was only enough to see them into second place.
Team Points
This week, it was a win for Stormont in Key Stage 1 and Windsor in Key Stage 2. Has Caernarfon's march slowed over these last few weeks...? It does look like that might be the case. After a whole term, it is all looking very, very close. Only 51 points separating fourth from first. It really could all change in the spring!
