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Celebration Assembly – 16th September 2022

What an amazing week of learning we have seen at Friars – the children are certainly showing us what they can achieve and how much they have matured in both learning and attitude over the summer holidays.

Key Stage 1

In KS1 this week, we saw certificates given for great reasons around our curriculum and school values, including independence, confidence and brilliant learning. Super descriptive writing, great listening skills and excellent behaviour. Great improvement in effort.

Key words

Huge congratulations go to Mya, Oliver, Tate, Oscar, Harvey, Louie, Tommy and Teddy in 2B and Esther, Noah, Stanley, Jase, Oliver, Sophia and Jack in 2S, who have already completed ALL of their keywords, in just the second week of Year 2. Well done!

Buddy awards

Our KS1 Buddy awards are given to the children demonstrating kindness, helpfulness and caring across their classes. They are also extra special awards as they are often nominated by our their class mates. Well done to Sonny (1BU), Mia (1BR) and Aaliyah (2S) our buddies this week and thank you for being great role models to your friends.

Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2, there were a host of great reasons for earning certificates.

In Year 3, certificates were given for concentration, following rules, being a great role model to others and for having a positive ‘can do’ attitude.

Year 4 certificates were based around amazing maths work this week, as we heard how the children had shared good practice by helping others in the class before then calculating some very challenging rounding problems.

In Year 5, the focus was on Ancient Egypt as certificates were awarded for brilliant diary writing based around the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb and in their imaginary role as an Egyptian water boy.

Year 6 also awarded the children showing great learning in writing by recognising great effort, independence and understanding. We also heard about the amazing geography effort put in, to continue learning beyond the classroom at home.

We also celebrated the good settled start made by all of the new children that have joined Friars this year.

Computer Class of the Week

Mrs Pinckney has been carefully looking at behaviour, attitude and aptitude in computing lessons this week and awarded the Computing class award to Class 3MV for their amazing focus and following of instructions in their lesson this week. James collected the award on behalf of his class.


This week the KS1 attendance cup was won by Class 1BR with the best in school figure of 99.7%, so close to perfection!

In KS2, two classes shared the cup with both 4D and 6G recording 97.3% to share the attendance cup. Our overall attendance stood at 96% this week, the first time we have met our target for at least two, pandemic hit years. Well done Friars!

Team Points

The KS1 team cup was won by Stirling again this week as they just pipped Stormont to the win.

In KS2, it was an incredibly close week with only 2 points separating all 4 teams, however it was Caernarfon who took the cup to record their first win of the new year.

Already it looks as if we are going to see a very exciting battle for the Friars Cup this year, as Stirling stay out in front, closely followed by Stormont.

Congratulations to all of our winners this week!


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