Celebration Assembly 17th May 2024
KS1 Awards
This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for reasons including amazing handwriting and outstanding writing

Buddy Awards went to…. Daisy, Adhaat, Amelia and Skyla.

This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our children for:
excellent artwork
working hard
a brilliant Year 6 SATs Week
being determined
fantastic work in outdoor learning
Last week’s winners featured again this week!
You might remember that last Friday, we had a rare three-way tie in Key Stage 2 that involved 3B, 4D and 6L. This week 6L continues with their good form with a winning 97%.
In Key Stage 1, 1MV are winners again with the best attendance in the school this week… 98.3%. Keep it up 1MV!
Team Points
Winners in Key Stage 1 this week were… Windsor… and for Key Stage 2 it was Caernarfon! That means there has been little change in the standings. Good look for our final week before the half term holiday everyone!
