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Celebration Assembly – 1st April 2022

It was a different type of assembly today as the whole school came together to celebrate the term, draw our Easter Raffle winners and to welcome a very special visitor as the Easter Bunny came to Friars.

We began the assembly by hearing about the children that had impressed their teachers, not just this week but over the whole term, to earn themselves one of our special termly awards.

Awards were given to the children that have displayed consistent effort, great attitude, significant improvement or brilliant progress over the Spring term.

Huge congratulations go to;

Avie (1B), Yousif (1C), Faith (2B), Mia (2S), Harley (3JD), Joshua (3ML), Joe (4B), Kaydee (4S), Daisy (5BW), Tyler (5VW), Isabella (6D) and Mollie (6G).

All of our certificate winners got the chance to have their picture taken with the Easter Bunny as shown below.

Sports Superstars

We didn’t have an individual award this week as our Sports Superstars were the Year 5/6 boys fun football team who represented the school at football for the first time in a Portico event at Hamstel. Well done Team Friars!

Shout Outs!

This week our assembly ‘shout outs’ went to our two lunchtime helpers Emily and Kady in Year 6, for all of the help they have given Mrs Harkins and Ms Nickol during this week’s lunchtimes.

Club 72 and Club 144 – Times Tables Masters!

Mrs Bailey also gave us update on our termly times table challenges and awarded lots of certificates.

Well done to all of the KS1 children who have taken part this term with Club 72. There have been some fantastic results and the majority of children have increased their scores.

In February, 6 members of Year 2 received gold level certificates achieving scores of 59 or more out of 72.

A huge well done for the time and effort put in by all of the KS2 children who participated in the Club 144 challenges set this half term.

A special well done to the following children who achieved full marks in the times table test and went on to complete a challenge test as well.

In 6D- Anakin, Harry-Jack and Mikaylla

In 5VW- Henley and Joshua

In 5BW- Arnolds, Jeffrey, Marcus and Riley

In 4B- Alfie, Brooke W, Edward, Lillie-Rose and Michelle

The great news is that the majority of children have increased their scores so we are looking forward to seeing more great results next term!


The KS1 Attendance cup was won again by Class 2B with 97% this week but it was the turn of Class 3ML to record the highest attendance in school with 98.3% to win the KS2 trophy.

Team Points

It was one of those weeks where we saw a 3-way tie for the weekly KS1 team trophy with Stirling, Caernarvon and Stormont all sharing first place. In KS2, it was Caernarvon again who were runaway winners this week.

A great week for Caernarvon, saw them continue their dominance in the race for The Friars Cup. Can they be caught in the summer term?

The final part of our assembly today saw us drawing our Easter Raffle prizes.

Well done to all of our prize winners below;

Our winners were: Katherine, Harry B, Amelia & Ivy (Nursery) Memphis, Bertie, Gracie, Sienna, Daisy, Tanner, Teo, Bonnie, Ollie & Harrison (Reception) Esther, Jordan, Jonathan, Lexi, Alice, Chase & Amie (Year 1) Esmee, Miss Johnson & Ella (Year 2) Reggie, (Year 3) , Bella, Oliver, Riley, Ella, Alicia, Harry, Lilli-Rose, Dominik, Felicity, Poppy, Darcey (Year 4) Billy, Henley, Mrs Vine, Evie, Ola & Hope (Year 5), Rowan, Sydney, Freyaa, Phoebe, Gracie, Brooke, Amy, Ava & Emily (Year 6)

Congratulations go to Chazo (Year 3) who won our huge Easter Bunny balloon, Harry (Year 4) who won the cuddly Easter Bunny and JJ (Year 3) who won our top prize of an Easter Bunny bundle full of tasty treats.

A big thank you also goes to the Easter Bunny for helping to draw the tickets and deliver the prizes to each classroom.

Well done on a brilliant term full of great learning, super attitude and brilliant children!

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