Celebration Assembly 24th November 2023
KS1 Awards
This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for:
Remembering so much about evergreen and deciduous trees
Always trying hard and giving their best effort in everything they do
Sharing a book sensibly
Super effort with handwriting and presentation
Working independently to create compound words
Responding to feedback, especially in writing
Being a fabulous learner through listening and responding to feedback
Buddy Awards went to…
Harry for helping a friend find their book bag
Colby for helping out with the milk
Edward for being kind and helpful when someone hurt their knee

KS2 Awards
This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children for:
Effort in PE
Really great work in Art and D&T
Excellent verbal responses which included very clear explanations
A positive attitude towards school
An outstanding work ethic
Working hard in every single lesson
Doing extra learning at home about the Ancient Egyptians
Hard work and great scores in times tables
Joining in with discussions after being quiet at the beginning of the year
Enthusiasm in reading
Good group work when learning about compass points
Working carefully in pairs – teaching and learning together
Great learning and work in this week’s tests
Computer Award
This week’s Computing Award went to 3B for their animation work. Great job 3B!
This week’s attendance winners were 1MV in Key Stage 1 and 5BW in Key Stage 2. You will remember that 1MV were very regular winners last half term… could they be back on form?
Team Points
A 44-point lead sees Caernarfon out in front in the race for the Friars Cup. It is still incredibly tight between the other three teams with only 8 points separating second to fourth. We are not even one-third of the way through the year so it can and likely will all change… Good luck everyone!
