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Celebration Assembly 28th June 2024

KS1 Awards

This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for:

  • excellent progress and super effort when writing

  • confidence when swimming

  • outstanding scientific vocabulary and wonderful recall

  • working hard on a recount about the Year 2 visit

  • great contributions during talks at the zoo

Buddy Awards went to… Alfie, Teo and Oscar.


This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our children for:

  • Great work in maths

  • Attitude to learning

  • Perseverance and independence

  • Completing work to a high standard

  • Improvement in written work

  • Working hard and listening well

  • Effort in tests

  • Spelling and learning tricky words

  • Team work in D&T

  • Perseverance with skipping

  • a great cake sale in Year 6

  • working together for the Year 6 mini-fete


1MV… Could they do it again in Key Stage 1…? Would the attendance trophy be theirs for another week…? Yes and Yes! 1MV have been so impressive with their attendance this year – a huge well done to all of the children.  Again, 1MV had the best attendance across the whole school!

In Key Stage 2 it was a win for 4D. Well done to 4D for a great week.

Team Points

Last week Windsor stretched their lead slightly but this week it has been clawed back by Caernarfon as they scored more points overall than the red team. In Key Stage 1 it was actually a win for the greens, Stormont. In Key Stage 2 it was our yellows, Caernarfon.

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