Celebration Assembly 8th December 2023
KS1 Awards
This week our KS1 certificates were awarded to our Year 1 and Year 2 children for:
Super effort with letter formation in handwriting practice
Looking after the class bean and great use of science vocabulary
Great independence in writing in science
Listening and following instructions
Excellent maths work in arithmetic and reasoning
Super independent work and attitude
Improvement in working independently
Using number skills to solve problems
Buddy Awards went to… Hayden, Tanner and Ethan.

KS2 Awards
This week our KS2 certificates were awarded to our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children for:
Great attitude
Being a hard-working member of the class
Improvement in times tables knowledge
Writing a poem that rhymes really well
Better presentation
Improved learning behaviour
Working well with others
Great ideas when story writing including good sequencing and detail.
The penultimate full week of 2023 saw wins for 2G in Key Stage 1 and 3KA in Key Stage 2. Both had winning percentages above the school’s attendance target of 96%. Well done to both classes!
We have lots happening over the last 8 school days so let’s hope everyone is in school right up to Wednesday 20th December. Don’t forget that for every day in school, children receive raffle tickets for the Chocolate and Sweet Raffle. The draw will be held on the final Wednesday.
Team Points
Last week we saw a double-win for Caernarfon but this week it was Windsor’s turn to achieve that accolade! The red team were out in front in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and therefore closed the gap to Caernarfon. Well done everyone… Next week we will have our final Team Points announcement of 2023.
