Harvest Festival
What a wonderful Harvest Festival we shared together on Wednesday.
Our children in Key Stage 1 kicked the celebration off with some lovely singing of the song ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’, always a Harvest favourite. It was great to hear so many of the older children recalling the words and joining in too.
Led by Mrs James, we then explored how Harvest is celebrated across the world by looking at the different world religions and their beliefs, the foods they offer and how their celebrations take place at this time of year.
We also enjoyed sharing the company of Vicky Baker from Shoeburyness and Thorpe Bay Baptist church who spoke about how the Christian faith celebrate Harvest. Vicky also added some food to our large collection of donations.
It was then lovely to hear the lovely song ‘Autumn Days’ being beautifully sung by our children in Key Stage 2.
We really would like to thank all of the fantastic families who donated a wide range of foods to our Harvest celebration again this year. Your generosity never ceases to amaze us, especially as we know times are challenging for everybody at the moment.
St Vincent's Centre will be coming along to us early next week for collection and we know they will be extremely grateful with how generous our wonderful families have been.