IoW Day 3
Wow… what a day!
We had a lie in this morning – woo hoo! Breakfast wasn’t until 8:30am so many of us had a more leisurely start to the day. Again, after breakfast we hotfooted it onto the coach. This morning was the Monkey and Owl Haven which was fantastic. We were in awe of both the monkeys and owls. The lady who spoke to us about the monkeys shared a great deal of information and we found it fascinating. We seemed to have different favourites but they were all beautiful. Miss Gibbons particularly like the… gibbons.
Before lunch we sat down and had a close-up animal experience where we met a snake and two tortoises! The snake was very friendly and we were able to say hello and give her a stroke! The tortoises were happy to see us too and we were allowed to touch their shells. One of the tortoises was called Pete and he is 64 years young. He could live beyond 100!!!
It was then back onto the coach for Godshill Miniature Village or ‘Tiny Little Land’ as one of the children called it – not remembering it’s actual name. The village was really impressive and made us all feel like giants for the afternoon. We loved seeing all of the creations and the impressive detail.
I’m not sure how we have done it but we have lucked out with the weather. It has been glorious all day and it promises to be nice this evening. We’ll be giving our bedrooms a good tidy later as let’s just say that a bit of housekeeping is required…
Have a good evening,
The IoW 2023 Crew
