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Welcome to our Year 5 page

Throughout the year, we enable our Year 5 children to become deeply immersed in their learning. 


We begin in the autumn term with a journey into Ancient Egypt to explore how people lived. At Friars, we sometimes link our learning where this can be meaningful and the Egyptians proves very useful for this – with both geography and art having strong connections. 

In the spring, we think carefully about our own plant Earth and the impact of global warming and the challenges we face. We then head back in time to medieval Britain to discover The Black Death... a topic that everyone always enjoys... especially the gruesome bits!


Finally, in the summer we study the Tudors and focus on their impact in the development of our local area. We look at Shakespeare, study the influence he had on the English language and use his writing as a stimulus.


Year 5, like other year groups, are kept busy outside of the classroom too! Each term, every child takes part in outdoor learning. For Year 5, this includes designing a camp menu and cooking it on an open camp fire!


Finally, Thriftwood Scout Camp hosts Year 5 for two nights of camping and three full days of activities including team building exercises and outdoor challenges. This really helps to develop confidence and social skills, ensuring the children are ready for Year 6!



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